Jason Islas

Jason Islas is the editor of Santa Monica Next and the director of the Vote Local Campaign. Before joining Next in May 2014, Jason had covered land use, transit, politics and breaking news for The Lookout, the city’s oldest news website, since February 2011.

Exclusive articles:

SaMo Gets Its First In-Depth Look at Koolhaas Project for 4th/5th and Arizona

View Larger MapIt has been seven years since the City began buying up parcels to piece together the 2.5 acre plot of prime real...

City Council Scuttles Plans for Bergamot Transit Village

The City Council put to rest Tuesday night what has become one of the single-most divisive development projects Santa Monica has seen in decades...

Breaking News: City Council Rescinds Bergamot Transit Village Project

About seven years after negotiations began for a mixed commercial and residential project to replace the abandoned Papermate factory in Santa Monica's former industrial...

City Council Wants Rival Airport Initiative on November Ballot

There's a new push to put the future of Santa Monica Airport before voters, but this time it's coming from the City Council.As part...

Bringing City Hall to the People

How much housing ought to get built in the next 20 years? How can we make it affordable? How much job growth should the...


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