Gary Kavanagh


Exclusive articles:

Pro-growth, slow-growth, no-growth, growth boundaries, steady state & degrowth.

In Santa Monica’s local politics, there is a camp, one of the more active and vocal, sometimes loosely refereed to as "slow growth", or...

There It Is, Conserve It

With the state of California experiencing it's driest year in record keeping, water, which has always been one of the central defining feature of...

Prioritizing The Experience And Timeliness Of Local Transit

When it comes to mobility beyond the private automobile, bus systems preform a lot of the heavy lifting. They are spatially efficient, carrying dozens...

In Defense Of The Humble Traffic Diverter

I am excited to see the Michigan Avenue Neighborhood Greenway (MANGo) proposal move forward with council approval, along with the connecting Safe Routes to...

The Residents

In the time that I have participated and written about local political issues in Santa Monica, one of the nuances that I've increasingly become...


OPA: Due to weather concerns, the Main St. Halloween events are being moved to Sunday.

Main Street HOWL-O-WEEN Event & Pet Costume Contest (Sunday 3...

Safety Tips for Halloween from Santa Monica Families for Safe Streets

Santa Monica Families for Safe Streets shares this list...

Make Santa Monica Fun Again – City Examines Plan to Create an Entertainment Zone for the Promenade

At last week’s City Council meeting, businesses and restaurants...
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