Santa Monica Earns $3.5 Million in Grants for Safer Streets Projects: Among the projects, $350k is to add a pedestrian signal at Lincoln and Hill St. and $802k to install retroreflective backplates, leading pedestrian interval, and protected left turns Neilson Ave. from Ocean Park Blvd. to Pico Blvd. More details here.
Addressing Homelessness: City Council Approves New Renters’ Protection Program: This post details the “new Renters’ Protection Program to help prevent homelessness and keep vulnerable Santa Monicans housed.”
Addressing Homelessness: City Launches Comprehensive Homelessness Strategic Plan: Here is a summary of the five-year Homelessness Strategic Plan, or HSP, presented by the city’s Housing and Human Services Department on March 11.
City to Launch New Renters’ Protection Program: The City Council on Tuesday approved a new Renters’ Protection Program that will initially provide $8 million to expand legal counseling and help tenants at risk of eviction pay their rent. The financial assistance starts at a one-time payment up to $5,000 per household up to $20,000 to those fight eviction lawsuits with the City’s help. The program will be bankrolled in its first year with $7 million from Measure GS real estate transfer tax hikes & $1 million from a one-time grant from the State’s Pro-housing Incentive Program. More details here.
New Investigation Finds Toxic Threats at L.A. Beaches, Raising Public Health Concerns: A new report from Heal the Bay warns that wildfire runoff has significantly impacted water quality along the Los Angeles County coastline, raising concerns for both public and marine health. More details here.
Planning Commission Fence Wall Hedge Hearing: This notice is for the reschedule hearing, now on March 19, for Proposed Amendments to the Text of the Santa Monica Municipal Code to Increase the Maximum Allowed Height of Fences, Walls, and Hedges in the Front Setbacks of R2, R3, and R4 Zoning Districts and to Address the Rules for Measuring the Heights of Fences, Walls, and Hedges Located on Top of Retaining Walls.
Santa Monica Community Police Academy: If you would like to participate in a future Community Police Academy class, complete an application, or contact Community Affairs Unit at 310.458.8474.
The Street Seen: Smith & Garrison Tract South (side of Marine Street from Highland to Lincoln): This is the first of two posts about the Fountain Glen real estate tracts in the southeast corner of Ocean Park (Marine, Navy, and Lincoln). This is a complex story. While most of the blocks of the Lucas Tract are developed as a whole, parts of Block 29 are sold before the block is subdivided. The parts are then separately subdivided. The Smith & Garrison Tract (south side of Marine from Highland to Lincoln) is a 1904 subdivision of a part of Block 29 of the Lucas Tract. More details here.
Architectural-Review-Board Reviewing Plans for Seven-Story, 88’-tall Building at 2307 Lincoln (& Pearl): To review the design, colors, materials, and landscape plans for the construction of a seven-story, 88’-tall, housing and mixed-use building consisting of 69 residential units and 1,800 square feet of ground floor commercial space with two levels of subterranean parking located in the General Commercial (GC) Zoning District. Meeting is Monday, March 17, 7pm @ City Hall Council Chambers. Agenda here.
Things To Do This Week:
- St. Patrick’s Day at Jameson’s Pub (Monday): The party starts at 6am with Top o’ the Morning specials like $7 Green Beer, $5.99 Peanut Butter Jameson shots, and corned beef cabbage food specials all day along with live entertainment, giveaways, and more. 2702 Main St.
- Kavahana’s St. Patrick’s Day Party (Monday): Kavahana will be hosting Lucky Hour from 4-6pm with a chance to win prizes, and Trivia Night from 6-10pm (free kava nectar shots for the winners!) @ 306 Pico Blvd.
- Westside Repair Café (Saturday 10am – 4pm): What do you do with a toaster that no longer works? Denim pants with holes and tears? Or a computer in need of a little TLC? You can bring those items and more to the Marine Park Auditorium Building (1406 Marine St.) where there will be repairers for bikes, clothing, small appliances, electronics, and much more. More details here.
OPA & City Meetings:
- Arts Commission Meeting (Monday 6:30pm): In-person only in the SMi Training Room (northwest corner of the 2nd floor of the Civic Center Parking Structure – 330 Olympic Drive). More details here.
- Commission on Sustainability, Environmental Justice, and the Environment (Monday 7pm): More details here.
- Architectural Review Board Meeting (Monday 7pm): More details here.
- OPA Connects Meeting (Wednesday 12pm): Here is the Zoom link.
- Planning Commission Meeting (Wednesday 6pm): More details & agenda here.
- Recreation & Parks Commission Meeting (Thursday 6pm): Click Here for agenda.
- Open House for Santa Monica’s Aging and Disability Action Plan (Saturday 9am – 12pm): Join for an open house and community conversation on how Santa Monica can become even more age- and disability-friendly. @ SMC Emeritus Campus, 1227 2nd St. More details here.