OPA Update 3/13/25: OPA March Monthly Meeting Recap, DMN8 Joins OPA, & Things To Do This Weekend


OPA March Monthly Meeting Recap: 

Here is a link to the full YouTube video and here are summaries of the varies parts:

  • SMPD updated OPA on activity over the past month. Watch here.
  • Barry Snell: The newly elected City Council-Member shared his background and priorities for the city. Watch here.
  • Santa Monica Public Library Updates: The team shared a presentation on the library funding situation and how OPA members can help bring back more services. Watch here.
  • Big Outdoor: Albin Gielicz updated OPA on the digital signs popping up around town including how to use them, program them, and how they are giving at least $5M of revenue to the City. Watch here.
  • Board Business: Discussed 2025 priorities, development / housing concerns (especially on Main St.), The Civic, upcoming calendar of events, and more. Watch here.

Thank You DMN8 for Joining OPA as a “Gold Business Member”! We encourage all community members to share their appreciation at the 3101 Main St. gym for their community support. More details on them at DMN8.com. If other businesses are interested in joining, business memberships range from $50-$250 and include a variety of benefits. Individual and family memberships start at only $10! More details here or reply to this newsletter with any questions.

Wild Ideas Abound as Council Grapples with a Declining City Budget: Here is SMDP’s recap of Saturday’s biannual budget meeting. 

Poll Finds Scant Support for Record City $460 Million Bond: A recent sampling of Santa Monica voters indicates there is little support for floating a $460 million bond to help the City dig out of a fiscal hole. Asked if they supported a possible $460 million general obligation bond to help the cash-strapped City pay for unfunded capital projects, 87 percent said no, 7 percent yes and 6 percent weren’t sure. More details here

City Must Use Savings to Stay Afloat: The City’s budget is in a “structural deficit” and must continue tapping its “already depleted” reserves to stay in the black over the next three years, Santa Monica’s Finance Director warned Friday. The five-year forecast shows that General Fund expenditures will “significantly exceed revenues” until Fiscal Year 2028-29…”That is not sustainable over the long term.” More details here

Hundreds Gathered at March to Save the Sea Calling for Urgent Action to Safely Remove Fire Debris from Beaches: More than 200 demonstrators gathered in front of Santa Monica City Hall last Sunday morning to call attention to the urgent need to clean up toxic debris from the Palisades fires that has washed onto the beaches, putting people, wildlife, and the ocean at risk. “We need the city, county, and state to get involved and safely remove the toxic fire debris from our beaches,” More details here and for more information visit CleanUpTheBeach.com and sign the petition at change.org/ProtectWillRogers .

Aging and Disability Action Plan – Community Survey and Open House: Santa Monica is developing a citywide action plan to enhance services for older adults, people with disabilities and caregivers. We are building the plan in partnership with YOU – the Santa Monica community. Please share your feedback by participating in one of these activities

Google Opens Brick & Mortar Store on the Promenade: This is one of only six Google stores in the country and the first in Southern California. More details in this SMDP report and here is a KTLA video report.

The Blue Notebook – A Weekly SMPD Recap Feb. 22 – March 1: Here is last week’s recap of Police activity.

Things To Do This Weekend: 

  • Be Fruitful: Bare Root Fruit Tree Workshop & Women’s History Month Celebration (Saturday 9 – 11am @ Main Street Community Garden): Join us at this very special workshop about how to grow Bare Root Fruit Trees successfully as we also take the opportunity to celebrate Women’s History Month. @ 2318 Main St.
  • Downtown Santa Monica’s Women’s History event – HERitage Market (Saturday 10am – 4pm): This is a celebration of all things women-owned and women-made, showcasing unique products and talents. @ 3rd Street Promenade More details here
  • SMMUSD Stairway to the Stars Musical Extravaganza (Saturday 4pm): Nearly 900 elementary, middle, and high school students will “star” in the outdoor concert in the Santa Monica High School Greek Amphitheatre.  More details here
  • Main St. Farmers Market (Sunday 8:30am – 1:30pm): It’s not to early to go green this Sunday.  Join us for a very special pre St Patrick’s Day celebration with Jasmine Ruvalcaba at 9am, followed by DJ and the Main Street Jam 10am-1pm and Rising Phoenix Morris Dancers at 11:30am!  Also joining us is the Planet Challenge with recycling information. And  Buon Gusto is back with olive oil!
  • The Artist Fair Santa Monica (Sunday 10am – 5pm): This outdoor gallery market showcases all different types of artists like painters, woodworkers, jewelry, clothing, sculptures and music! Bringing the community together to enjoy the park in this family dog friendly event! Come enjoy some cool tunes and meet the artists. FREE. Near Tower 25 in Ocean Park (2410 Ocean Front Walk) https://www.instagram.com/theartistfair 
  • St. Patrick’s Day at Jameson’s Pub (Monday): The party starts at 6:00 a.m. with Top o’ the Morning specials like $7 Green Beer, $5.99 Peanut Butter Jameson shots, and corned beef cabbage food specials all day along with live entertainment, giveaways, and more. 2702 Main St. https://santamonica.jamesonsirishpub.com/ 

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