SMMUSD Responds to County Clerk Error on Mail in Ballots


In a follow-up to yesterday’s story, the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District released a statement on the error made by the L.A. County Clerk on the mail-in ballots sent to all voters in Santa Monica and Malibu. The County Clerk’s statement can be read here.

The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District (SMMUSD) has learned that ballots printed and mailed this week by the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder / County Clerk (RR/CC) mistakenly include BOTH Measure QS and Measure MM on BOTH Santa Monica and Malibu area ballots. That is incorrect. Measure QS pertains only to Santa Monica voters and schools. Measure MM pertains to only Malibu voters and schools. SMMUSD is working with the RR/CC to address this matter immediately.

While voters may vote on both measures appearing on the ballot, the election for each measure will be determined by the voters in each area. Measure QS will be decided by the votes of Santa Monica voters. Measure MM will be decided by the votes of Malibu voters.

SMMUSD created two improvement/voting areas in 2018 for the purpose of addressing important school facility needs within the Santa Monica area, and separately, important school facility needs within the Malibu area. These areas are known as School Facilities Improvement District No. 1, encompassing Santa Monica (“Santa Monica Schools SFID”) and School Facilities Improvement District No. 2, encompassing Malibu (“Malibu Schools SFID”). The linked map shows the two distinct geographical regions that comprise the two SFIDs. 

The two separate bond measures, one for each SFID and its voting area, appearing on the November 5, 2024 ballot are:   

Measure QS for the Santa Monica Schools SFID (1)

Measure MM for the Malibu Schools SFID (2)

These two bond measures are separate and distinct, each applying to only one SFID and its related voting area. The Board of Education directed that each measure appear on the ballot for one area or the other area (Measure QS in the Santa Monica Schools SFID and Measure MM in the Malibu Schools SFID), but not both, and that voters in each area have the opportunity to vote on either Measure QS or Measure MM, depending on the SFID in which they live.

However, the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder / County Clerk (RR/CC) has informed the District that Measure QS and Measure MM were inadvertently included by the County on all ballots. In other words, while Measure QS should have only appeared on ballots in the Santa Monica Schools SFID, and Measure MM should have only been printed on ballots in the Malibu Schools SFID, both Measures appeared on all SMMUSD area ballots.   

The Los Angeles Registrar Recorder/County Clerk (RR/CC) has taken full responsibility for erroneously placing both Measure QS and Measure MM before all voters in SMMUSD, stating, “We take full responsibility for this error. Although we cannot modify the voting materials at this stage, we will ensure that only votes cast by eligible voters within the defined SFID boundaries are reported and certified. The election results will not include votes from outside these specific areas.” See news release on Oct. 6, 2024.

The RR/CC further stated: “Notifications to voters are being prepared and distributed to explain the situation and the corrective actions taken. Voters with questions or concerns are encouraged to contact the RR/CC at 800-815-2666.”

SMMUSD is in communication with the RR/CC to make sure the County puts in place all processes and safeguards to ensure that voters have appropriate information and the ability to vote on either Measure QS (for voters within the Santa Monica Schools SFID) or Measure MM (for voters within the Malibu Schools SFID), with the votes tallied accordingly.

“We are seeking a clear and clean vote on our two bond measures,” said SMMUSD Superintendent Dr. Antonio Shelton. “The democratic voting process is the foundation of our freedoms and the County Registrar is assuring us that the vote will count in your area of eligibility. We encourage everyone to share this information with neighbors, family and friends.”

Additional information regarding both bonds are available online at See also: Santa Monica resolution and ballot measure and Malibu resolution and ballot measure.  For any questions or information about Measure QS and Measure MM, please do not hesitate to utilize the SMMUSD Let’s Talk Portal and click on the Bond Measure QS and MM 2024 button.

Damien Newton
Damien Newton
Damien is the executive director of the Southern California Streets Initiative which publishes Santa Monica Next, Streetsblog Los Angeles, Streetsblog San Francisco, Streetsblog California and Longbeachize.

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