OPA Update 10/3/24: OPA Heal the Bay Beach Clean-Up THIS Sunday, & Other Things To Do This Weekend


As Santa Monica Next did not publish yesterday, this newsletter is lightly edited to remove any events that were last night.


  • OPA Heal the Bay Beach Clean-Up THIS Sunday Oct. 6: The event runs 10am – 12pm, starting at Tower 26 (end of Ocean Park Blvd at the beach). All needed supplies are provided. Parents, students, families and neighbors are all welcome. Email Dave Tann with questions.
  • OPA Oct. 14 Monthly Meeting: This month’s meeting will be at the 2601 Main St. Library starting with food and mingling at 6:00pm. Guest speakers include Police Chief Batista and a School Bond Pro/Con Panel.
  • Ballot Measures, Free Wine, and a Good Time (10/17 @ 6pm): 80s, 90s, and 2000s babies are encouraged to join us at The Victorian for a fun and informative breakdown of measures we’ll be voting on. Wine and light apps will be served up to keep political tensions down. We absolutely will not tell you how to vote! More details here

Postponement of Reading Regarding Gifts & Bribes Creates Sparks at Council: This SMDP article details that “Mayor Phil Brock set an impressive new standard in Tuesday’s City Council meeting by creating sparks just two minutes into the evening’s proceedings. In conducting some agenda management, Brock requested that Item 10A, the introduction and first reading of an ordinance adding Santa Monica Municipal Code Section 2.32.291 prohibiting providing and acceptance of gifts by Council-members be dismissed.”

City Council Candidate Forum (Sunday 6 – 8pm): All ten candidates have been invited by League of Women Voters and Santa Monica Committee for Racial Justice. The event will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the Thelma Terry Center at Virginia Avenue Park.

Santa Monica ‘Very Close’ to Agreement to Host Beach Volleyball During 2028 Olympics: This LA Times article details that “Santa Monica officials say they are “very close” to reaching an agreement to host beach volleyball during the 2028 Summer Olympics, even though it might end up costing the city millions of dollars.” The matter now proceeds to the Oct. 8 City Council meeting for discussion and public comment.

SOCKtober is back! “Socks are the #1 requested item in homeless shelters and rehab facilities, so please donate new socks for all ages at SMTT’s Visitor Center, 2427 Main St. Participate in Santa MoniCARES’ SOCKtober collection drive now until Oct. 31, to make an impact in our community. Last year, we gathered 1,100 pairs of socks, and this year, we aim to match or beat that number.” More details here.

Santa Monica’s Aging and Disability Action Plan Committee Accepting Applications: The City opened applications for the new Aging and Disability Action Plan Advisory Committee, inviting community members to help address the current, emerging and future needs of the city’s older adults, people with disabilities and their caregivers. Community members interested in applying can also attend any of the five outreach events planned throughout September to learn more. Click here for the dates and locations of the events. Applications are due by noon on Oct. 7 and can be submitted online or over the phone by calling (310) 458-2200 x 5771.

Voter Registration Assistance @ SaMo Public Library: People will be on hand to help register people on Saturday 10/5, 12 & 19 at the Pico Branch (2201 Pico Blvd.) from 10am to noon.

One of Santa Monica’s Last Movie Theaters Shuts Down: This LA Magazine article details “The city by the sea is home to famous actors and show biz luminaries but it only has 3 places to see movies,” Aero, Laemmle, and AMC 7. 

Regent Santa Monica Beach Hotel Opened Oct. 1: The hotel is replacing the Loews @ 1760 Ocean Ave. after an extensive remodel. “The ultra-luxury brand has wowed Regent fans and newcomers alike under IHG’s tutelage with openings of hotels in Vietnam, the French Riviera and Hong Kong.” More details here.

The Blue Notebook – A Weekly SMPD Recap Sept. 21-27: This post details police activity over the past week. 

Things To Do This Weekend: 

  • Abbot Kinney First Friday Food Truck Fest (Friday starting at 5pm): About two dozen food trucks are expected to line the street for the monthly event. https://www.abbotkinneyblvd.com/
  • Santa Monica Democratic Club Boogie Night (Friday 6:30 – 11pm): A dance fundraiser to benefit our mutual 2024 election efforts. We have been working on the playlist for the last few weeks, and it is ALL BANGERS from the 1950s through 2024!  @ the Church in Ocean Park, 235 Hill St. Learn more and RSVP here.
  • Santa Monica Pups and Pottery (Friday 7pm): Get ready to unleash your creativity! In this class you and your dog can craft custom toys and a paw-print ceramic tile together. It’s a blend of fun and artistry— Start the class with a welcome glass of Champagne on the house to let the pawsitive vibes flow! ARTime Barro, 302 Pico Blvd. More details here.
  • “Get Ready, Stay Ready!” Emergency Preparedness Event (Saturday, 9am – 1pm): There will be over 20 agencies and groups tabling with valuable insights and materials. Expect informative presentations on topics such as home hardening, emergency planning, wildfires, and earthquakes. @ the Skirball Center, 2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd. with free onsite parking and complimentary breakfast. RSVP and learn more here
  • Virginia Avenue Park Mini Fall Festival (Saturday 10am – 1pm): Crafts, photo booth, one free pumpkin per family- while supplies last. And visit SMC’s Glass Pumpkin sale! @ 2200 Virginia Ave. More details here.
  • Oktoberfest at Brennan’s (Saturday starting 12pm): They will have live wrestling on the turf, kegs and kegs of Oktoberfest Biers, food specials, and more, maybe even Lederhosen. And the polka band Festmeister Hans un die Sauerkrauts will be playing from 7:00 – 11:00 p.m. @ 4089 Lincoln Blvd. https://www.brennansla.com/
  • Main St. Farmers Market (Sunday 8:30am – 1:30pm): Join us this Sunday for a double feature with music starting at 9am when singer songwriter, Sophia Vandenberg takes the stage followed by local favorites the GM Jazz Quartet from 10am-1pm.  Bring the kids for mini dance lessons at 11 am and noon with the Tutu School. Bach to Rock Instrument Petting Zoo will be  on the lawn starting at 10am.  Also, special guests Cathy Taylor and the Santa Monica Fire Department will be joining the festivities!  Hello October!
  • Sign up for Free Smoke Alarm Installation at Santa Monica Main Street Farmers Market (Sunday 9am – 12pm): The Fire Department will provide information on how to sign up with the American Red Cross. Come learn about this year theme, “Smoke alarms: Make them work for you” and giveaways during the popular Main Street market, at  2640 Main St. 
  • City Council Candidate Forum (Sunday 6 – 8pm): All ten candidates have been invited by League of Women Voters and Santa Monica Committee for Racial Justice. The event will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the Thelma Terry Center at Virginia Avenue Park.

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