Like any non-profit publication, Santa Monica Next relies on reader donations to continue publishing and plan for the future. We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished in 2023, speaking truth to power on a shoestring budget and continuing our never ending quest to correct the misinformation that floods the public discourse in Santa Monica.
We’ve done it all with a part-time editor and a group of volunteers. If you already appreciate our work and want to help us grow, please consider making a donation today. All donations are tax deductible.
With five print newspapers publishing in a city with 80,000 residents, one would think that the population in Santa Monica would be one of the best-informed ones in the country. Sadly, that’s not the case.
Too often the newspapers rely on dubious sources of information, print incorrect news (and when they do correct it, don’t issue a formal follow-up or apology), attribute untrue quotes to “experts” without any sort of challenge, or weirdly print news from weeks ago and pretend it’s current (this article reports on a meeting that happened almost two weeks earlier but starts with “at Tuesday’s meeting…).
These practices have led to both the appearance of a population that is more conservative than it is and public testimony at hearings that it is more likely to advance a conspiracy theory than not. Santa Monica Next’s main goal is to correct the record and push back against this tide of misinformation, but it’s not easy. And we need your help.

Over the next couple of weeks, there will be a series of posts with information on why Next is worthy of a donation during a time of the year when there are a lot of worthy nonprofits asking for your support. A little later this week, we’ll look at some of our best stories and also share some of our plans to improve coverage in 2023.
We don’t often reach out and ask for a donation, even though we know many of our readers are generous donors to causes both locally and nationally. So if you’re already sold on the importance of making Santa Monica Next stronger in 2023, make a donation now.