OPA Newsletter: CA Supreme Court Punts Voting Rights Case Back to Court of Appeals, SaMo Students (& Traffic) Return, & Things To Do This Weekend


Note: the OPA newsletter came out yesterday as we were working on the court case news. It is republished here with only light edits.

Drivers Beware: SaMo Students (& Traffic) return to School Today: This SMDP article has more details on best practices and what to look out for.

SaMo Voting District CA Supreme Court Ruling Does Not Clarify The Rules: The ruling was just published here and this SMDP writeup details that and much of the history basically stating that the Supreme Courts said “the Court of Appeals misapplied the law when it ruled in the City’s favor and has said the appeal needs to be reevaluated based on expanded criteria.” 

OPA wants to say a heartfelt THANK YOU to Susan Leary for making a generous $250 donation to help us support our events, outreach, and advocacy efforts like this newsletter. CLICK HERE IF YOU WANT TO DONATE OR JOIN AS WELL.

Ridwell Launches Additional Recycling Options in SaMo: This is a new service that handles recyclables that the City does not (such as thin & multi-layer plastics, clothing and shoes, batteries, light bulbs, Styrofoam). Click here to learn more. Note that this is a paid service separate from City recycling services. There is also a meet & greet with their CEO at Urth Cafe on Friday (more details below). 

2023 SaMo Assessment Roll Shows 5.3% Increase in Taxable Property Values Over Past Year: This SaMo Mirror republication of the Assessment Roll Statement From L.A. County Assessor Jeff Prang details the data.

Expanded Main Library Hours Coming Soon But No Major Changes for Main St.: Main Library will be open Saturdays 10am – 5pm  and weekdays until 8pm starting Saturday, Sept. 2 but the Ocean Park Main St. Library will remain self-service and will be open Wednesdays 12 – 8pm & Fridays 10am – 5 pm, adding only one additional operating hour per week. More details here.

Things To Do This Weekend: 

  • Work from Isla: “Bring your laptop, and leave the food, wine + wifi to us.” “A non-event event, perhaps the first of its kind. No fluff, no frills, no place cards or set seating times… just come + work!” Thursday, August 24, 12p.m. – up to you! 2424 Main St.
  • HandleBar Happy Hour at Chez Jay: SM Spoke is a nonprofit “dedicated to improving walking, biking and healthy active transportation in the City.” At the end of every month they host a happy hour to support local businesses and to celebrate all things bike. All are welcome. Thursday Aug 24, 5:30p.m. @ 1657 Ocean Ave.https://www.smspoke.org/event/handlebar-happy-hour-chez-jay-08-24-2023/
  • Free Coffee Meet & Greet with Ridwell CEO @ Urth Cafe: “Meet and connect with other sustainably-minded neighbors interested in wasting less and see samples of what a few Ridwell categories get recycled into.” Friday 9-10am @ 2327 Main St. More details here.
  • Santa Monica Police Officer Association (SMPOA) Annual Classic Car show: This FREE event on the SaMo Pier includes a raffle, food from “The Albright” and “Rusty’s” and a beer garden by Santa Monica Brew Works. Saturday Aug 26, 9a.m. – 3p.m. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/smpoa-2nd-annual-classic-car-show-tickets-665698721797
  • Dog Daze of Summer on Montana Ave: Expect sales, treats, giveaways, photo opps and more.  “It’s the perfect way to celebrate an afternoon with your four-legged friend.” Saturday, Aug 26, 11a.m. – 5 p.m. from 6th to 17th Streets. https://www.facebook.com/events/190838110640643/
  • The Transformative Power of the Ocean and its Waves: Panel & Art Exhibition: Heal the Bay Aquarium Hosts the event to “engage in meaningful discussion on the powerful relationship of science and surfing and the cumulative impact in healing individuals, communities, and nature conservation.” Saturday, August 26 · 6 – 9p.m. @ 1600 Ocean Front Walk. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-transformative-power-of-the-ocean-and-its-waves-panel-exhibition-tickets-688169311937
  • Dirty Dancing @ Street Food Cinema Will Rogers State Historic Park: LA’s largest outdoor cinema and music series is back for another season around town with this dog friendly event on the Westside that includes food trucks and live music.” Goldstar discount tickets here.
  • Santa Monica Museum Features “The Elephant Parade” by Katy Perry & Khloé Kardashian: The exhibit showcases a collection of five-foot-tall elephant sculptures along the Promenade. Thursdays and Fridays 2:00–8:00 p.m. Saturdays 11 a.m. – 8 p.m. & Sundays 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. through Sept 22 @ 1219 3rd Street Promenade. https://www.elephantparade.com/parades/santa-monica-2023
  • Main St. Sunday Farmers Market: “This Sunday we are back with sunshine and the toe tapping tunes of DJ and the Main Street Jam at 10am-1pm and a special Mini Kid Jam with Bach 2 Rock at 9am.”
  • LearnAboutWine Presents: The Champaign Challenge: “Taste great wines, compare a few values, domestics, and bizarre finds, some we taste blind, and some we experience and discuss the style. Paired with light, tasty bites from Papille Gustative.” Sunday Aug 27, 3:30p.m. @ Papille Gustative, 2823 Main St. More details here.
Damien Newton
Damien Newton
Damien is the executive director of the Southern California Streets Initiative which publishes Santa Monica Next, Streetsblog Los Angeles, Streetsblog San Francisco, Streetsblog California and Longbeachize.

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