The 11th Annual Cardboard Yacht Regatta Kicks off the 2023 Summer of Fun at the Annenberg Community Beach House


The following is a press release from the City of Santa Monica.

On Saturday, June 17 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m., the Cardboard Yacht Regatta kicks off a bucket list of summer fun. Two-person teams race fancifully themed yachts made of cardboard and duct tape across the historic pool while spectators cheer them on. Teams must pre-register, and the fee is $20 per team. Pre-registration and details

The following day, the historic pool will open for daily recreation swimming on Sunday, June 18, through Labor Day, Monday, September 4. Pool hours will be Monday through Thursday from 12 p.m. – 6 p.m. and Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, July 4 and September 4, from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.  

In June, special events celebrating SaMo Pride will include Sorority: Waves on June 4, Drag Queen Storytime on June 16, Sunset Swim (age 18+) on June 23, and Sapphic Icons Poetry Workshop on June 24. 

July and August events include Sunset Swim (age 18+) on Saturdays July 8, July 22, and Fridays August 11 and 25, Sunset Picnics on Thursdays July 20 and August 17, and Santa Monica Public Library Seaside Storytime on July 21. 

All ages can look forward to an active summer with classes including Stand-up Paddleboard, Floating Fitness Workout, Yoga, and Volleyball for youth and adults, and for youth there is Bounce and semi-private swim lessons.  

For more information, visit

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