The Bike Summit Is Coming


CalBike_Logos_2015_FINAL_color_rgb-300x167We’re getting excited about the upcoming Bike Summit organized by the California Bicycle Coalition. It’s not too late to register for the biannual event, which will take place on October 25-28 in San Diego.

Some of the highlights we’re hoping to catch include:

  • Sessions on Open Streets events like CicLAvia and Sunday Streets, including how to get the ball rolling and the nuts and bolts of creating a successful event. [PDF]
  • An update on the first-ever California statewide bike plan, as well as other work Caltrans is doing to reach its goal of tripling bicycle mode share. The Bicycle and Pedestrian plan is supposed to be “innovative policy level plan—not a listing of projects, but policies that help us move in a direction that will provide for greater mobility and safety within active transportation,” according to project manager Scott Forsythe. “We want to create a user-friendly document that makes sense to the general public but also provides detailed information for planners to use when working locally.”
  • An update from the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research on replacing Level of Service with a measure that better reflects a project’s impacts on all road users.
  • Hearing Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins, San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulkner, and Bike SD founder Samantha Ollinger.
  • Talking about DIY bike workshops with Cindy Parra and Jason Cater of Bike Bakersfield, among others.
  • Listening to Streetsblog’s Damien Newton and Sahra Suleiman talk about how to frame the story of bikes.
  • Listening to Tamika Butler of the LACBC talk about incorporating equity into advocacy work.
  • Hearing about the challenges of connecting local disadvantaged communities to the new 50-mile, car-free CV Link path in the Coachella Valley.
  • Taking part in a transnational bike ride to Tijuana to “promote bike culture across the Californias” the day before the Summit.
  • The opening night party at SILO at Makers Quarter.
  • The closing night party.
  • Taking a ride on an electric bike.

The full program is available here.


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