Featured Event: Vote Local Tongva Park Tour & Happy Hour Thursday


SaMo-Next-Vote-LocalElection season officially started today in Santa Monica as candidates – newcomers and incumbents alike – began pulling papers to run for City Council, School Board, and other local offices.

To celebrate, join us for our second Vote Local event this Thursday at 5 p.m. We will meet outside City Hall for a quick tour Tongva Park (courtesy of the City’s Cultural Affairs department), followed by a mixer with food and drinks at the nearby Wyndham Hotel.

Thursday’s event is a chance to get a closer look at your city, find out more about the issues facing Santa Monica in the upcoming election, and meet other young Santa Monicans interested in the same.

It is also a chance to have a few drinks and meet new people. Also, since we will be across the street from the Santa Monica Pier, it is an ideal place to start your evening before heading to the free Twilight Concert performance later that night.

Bring a friend and join us!

For more information, send an email to jason@santamonicanext.org.

When: Thursday July 17 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Where: Meet in front of City Hall, 1685 Main St, Santa Monica, CA 90401


The view from Tongva Park Photo: Gary Kavanagh
A view of the sunset from Tongva Park Photo: Gary Kavanagh

Just a few years ago, the 6.2 acre plot of land across the street from City Hall was an underused surface parking lot that was prohibited to pedestrians. After many years of community planning, hard work by the City, and tremendous effort by the park’s architect, James Corner Field Operations (you may have heard of some of their other work), Tongva Park opened to the public in 2013.

One of more than two dozen parks in Santa Monica, Tongva is the newest and it is a prime example of how good planning by city officials two decades ago can impact and improve our lives today.


While local elections often go unnoticed by many young voters, the decisions made by elected officials impact our day-to-day lives the most.

From how much new housing gets built in the city – and where – to which street get bike lanes to how much funding schools get, your elected City Council representatives make decision that can effect Santa Monica for decades to come.

That’s why Santa Monica Next will host multiple Vote Local mixers over the next couple of months aimed at getting young Santa Monica residents informed and engaged around the issues facing their community all while having fun and getting to know your neighbors.

Jason Islas
Jason Islashttp://santamonicanext.org
Jason Islas is the editor of Santa Monica Next and the director of the Vote Local Campaign. Before joining Next in May 2014, Jason had covered land use, transit, politics and breaking news for The Lookout, the city’s oldest news website, since February 2011.


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