Melanie Curry


Exclusive articles:

Feds Award $3B for CA High-Speed Rail, and $3B for Vegas-to-LA HSR

This week's headlines mostly focus on a $3 billion federal grant for Brightline West, one of the largest-ever federal grants for a privately owned...

California Transportation Commission Chair: “Widen Freeways for the People”

The following article first appeared on Streetsblog California. Choking back tears, California Transportation Commission Chair Lee Ann Eager closed out the commission's meeting last week...

Advocacy Groups Plead with Governor to Reign In Rogue State Transportation Department

This article first appeared at Streetsblog California. More than sixty climate and transportation advocacy organizations sent a letter to Governor Newsom asking him to investigate...

Legislative Update: Governor Is Powering Through Bills

The following article first appeared at Streetsblog. Governor Newsom was busy over the weekend, signing around 330 bills and vetoing another 140 of them. There...

California Spends Too Little on Environmentally Friendly Transportation Options

Transportation is the largest contributor to climate emissions and pollution in California. Knowing this, state leaders have set goals to reduce those emissions in...


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