Damien Newton

Damien is the executive director of the Southern California Streets Initiative which publishes Santa Monica Next, Streetsblog Los Angeles, Streetsblog San Francisco, Streetsblog California and Longbeachize.

Exclusive articles:

Mayor Brock Hosts Townhall Tonight at Headspace on Michigan Ave

Santa Monica Mayor Phil Brock will host an open town hall this evening at Headspace at 2417 Michigan Avenue. In am email to next...

Election Season Officially Kicks Off, But No Council Incumbents Attend First Meeting Where One Can “Pull Papers” to Collect Signatures

Today is July 15th, the day that candidates for City Council, Rent Control Board, Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District Board and Santa Monica College...

Bitcoin Enthusiasts Rejoice As Santa Monica Takes First Steps on Opening “Bitcoin Office”

At Tuesday night’s City Council meeting, the Council voted unanimously to move forward with creating a “Santa Monica Bitcoin Office” with the help of...

City Council Punts on Passing Ethics Rules for Itself Until After Election. Ponders Possibly Creating Ethics for Future Councils.

City Council Punts on Passing Ethics Rules for Itself Until After Election. Ponders Possibly Creating Ethics for Future Councils.Last night’s City Council meeting dissolved...

UCLA Students Protest Big Blue Bus Proposed Changes in Westwood

Tonight, the Santa Monica City Council (Agenda, Item 11a) is widely expected to approve the changes to Big Blue Bus (BBB) routes recommended by...


Santa Monica College Theatre Arts to Stage “Grease” March 28-April 6

The following is a submission from SMC.The Santa Monica College...

Kool Happenings: The Little Match Boy and Crypto-creep

In the early 1950s, when many of us had...

Santa Monica Earns $3.5 Million in Grants for Safer Streets Projects

Photo: The intersection of 23rd and Hill via Google...
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