Dem. Club Board of Directors Makes Its Picks for November Elections. Membership Will Make Final Call at June 26 Meeting


The Santa Monica Democratic Club Board of Directors unveiled its picks for the November election in an email earlier this week reminding members that they have the final call on who will get the club’s endorsement at its June 26 meeting. The picks of the directors came after candidates were invited to fill out questionnaires, participate in video interviews and in a debate that was broadcast last week.

It’s important to note that these picks are just advisory. Membership can, and has, endorse a different candidate than the one the board picks. In 2023, we interviewed Jon Katz, the Dem. Club president, about their nominating process. You can hear that interview, here.

It’s the members’ pick that will receive the clubs backing and resources heading into the election. In 2022, leadership recommended the endorsements of Caroline Torosis, Jesse Zwick and Ellis Raskin. However, the membership voted to endorse Torosis, Zwick and Natalya Zernitskaya instead. Both Raskin and Zernitskaya have both been recommended by the board this year.

“Whether you agree or disagree with our recommendations, your voice is valued at our Club,” writes the club in its email to members. “Please be sure to attend our June 26 endorsement meeting and vote for your preferred candidates.”

Only members of the Democratic Club who have been in good standing for thirty days prior to June 26 can vote in the endorsement process. People who were members in 2023 can still re-up their membership for the year if they haven’t done so and vote at the meeting. Information on how to sign up to be a member, or renew membership, can be found here.

To vote in the endorsement meeting, members need to RSVP ahead of time. The link to RSVP can be found here.

The recommended endorsements include:

City Council:
Dan Hall
Ellis Raskin
Barry Snell
Natalya Zernitskaya

Rent Control Board:
Kay Ambriz
Phillis Dudick

School Board:
Jon Kean
Maria Leon-Vazquez
Jennifer Smith

College Board:
Anastasia Foster
Margaret Quinones-Perez
Rob Rader

Damien Newton
Damien Newton
Damien is the executive director of the Southern California Streets Initiative which publishes Santa Monica Next, Streetsblog Los Angeles, Streetsblog San Francisco, Streetsblog California and Longbeachize.

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