Two Santa Monica Dems. Named to State Party Executive Board


The following is a press release from the Santa Monica Democratic Club

The Santa Monica Democratic Club (SMDC) is pleased to announce that two members of its executive board who serve on the Los Angeles County Democratic Party Central Committee (LACDP) have won election to the California Democratic Party (CADEM) Executive Board for 2023-25.

SMDC Vice President for Communications Susan Sheu and SMDC Vice President for Membership Michael Soloff were among the 29 members of the LACDP whose county delegate peers voted for them to serve as Los Angeles County’s representatives on the CADEM Executive Board.

Longtime SMDC members Stacy Fortner, Deana Igelsrud, Dorothy Reik, and Cara Robin also won Executive Board positions. Democratic voters in Los Angeles County elected LACDP members in 2020 and will vote again for their LA CDP representatives on the March 2024 California primary ballot. The newly formed CADEM Executive Board will begin work right away at the CADEM meeting for the Executive Board and Standing Committees in Visalia, California, in mid-August.

The Executive Board will help direct the priorities and policies of the state party as Californians prepare to vote in the March 2024 primary election and the November 2024 general election, as well as special elections to replace vacancies among elected public servants from 2023 to 2025. The Executive Board will also be among the group of CADEM leaders who engage, empower, and represent California’s more than 10 million registered Democrats, as well as continue to protect our state’s election integrity and access to vote for all eligible adult United States citizens in California.

The 29 2023-2025 California Democratic Party Executive Board members from Los Angeles County Democratic Party Central Committee are the following self-identified female delegates: Bobbie Jean Anderson, Barbara Calhoun, Hannah Cho, Stacy Fortner, Nichelle Henderson, Deana Iglesrud, Jamie Kennerk, Patrice Marshall McKenzie, Dorothy Reik, Cara Robin, Rosa Russell,
Patt Sanders, Susan Sheu, Jerilyn Stapleton, and Jimmie Woods-Gray; and the following self-identified other than female delegates: Steven Alari, Marco Flores, Jacob Haik, John Harabedian, Wade Kyle, Clark Lee, Jeffrey Prang, Felipe Reina, Sean Rivas, Andres Sandoval, Jose Solache, Michael Soloff, Alton Wang, and Thomas Wong.

Previously, Santa Monica City Council Member and SMDC member Caroline Torosis was elected to the CADEM Executive Board as she received the highest number of votes from rank and file Democrats in the Assembly District 51 ADEM election held earlier this year.

The Santa Monica Democratic Club will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, September 27, and the club’s business will include a community discussion of the future of the Santa Monica Airport as well as a vote among the members to endorse a candidate for United States Senate and President. New members who join the Club no later than August 28 are eligible to vote in the September endorsements. 2022 members of the Club may renew until September 27 and be eligible to vote.

For more information about the Club and to RSVP for the above meetings, visit or on Instagram @santamonicademocrats.

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