UCLA Launches 130-Bike Bruin Bike Share


A Bruin Bike Share smart-bike. All photos by Streetsblog L.A.

Yesterday, UCLA launched the newest bike-share system in L.A. County: Bruin Bike Share. UCLA’s powder blue bike-share bikes have eight speeds, a built-in lock, front and rear lights, a bell, and a front basket.

UCLA’s bike-share system features 130 bikes and 18 hubs. For a smart-bike system, the hubs are a bit less critical than a smart-dock system, such as the current Metro Bike Share system. UCLA smart-bikes are generally returned to hubs, but can be locked up more or less anywhere within the designated service area. Leaving the bike at a non-hub site incurs a $2 service charge. Bruin Bike Share’s service area includes the UCLA campus, nearby satellite UCLA sites, and much of the adjacent Westwood Village commercial area – extending three blocks south of Wilshire Boulevard.

Map of UCLA bike-share boundaries. The system extends throughout the main UCLA campus as well as adjacent areas southward. Screen grab from Bruin Bike Share website

Bruin Bike Share uses the same CycleHop smart-bike system as Santa Monica, Beverly Hills and West Hollywood. Though, today the UCLA systems is independent from those nearby systems, according to a press release, “UCLA is coordinating with those cities to create a seamless regional bike-share system by early 2018.”

The system pricing is similar to Santa Monica’s Breeze, but includes discounts to people affiliated with UCLA:

  • Annual membership – public $69 / UCLA affiliate $60 – includes 90 minutes daily
  • Monthly membership – public $25 / UCLA affiliate $7 – includes 90 minutes daily
  • Hourly – $7 per hour
Yesterday’s Bruin Bike Share kick-off at UCLA’s Dickson Court
Bike-share dock at UCLA.

For more details or to sign-up, go to the Bruin Bike Share website.

Joe Linton
Joe Lintonhttp://la.streetsblog.org
Joe Linton is editor of Los Angeles Streetsblog. He is also a longtime urban environmental activist. His main areas of interest have been restoring the Los Angeles River and fostering bicycling for everyday transportation. He’s worked for many Los Angeles livability non-profits, including Friends of the L.A. River, Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition, C.I.C.L.E., Livable Places, and CicLAvia. He also served as deputy to Los Angeles City Councilmember Ed Reyes.

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