The Hoop: The Official Newsletter of Santa Monica YMCA Youth Basketball, Volume 21, Issue 1



With league play only a fortnight away, more players than at any time in any Fall league in the modern era (since 2011) will lace up their sneakers this coming Sunday in the pre-season scrimmages, in anticipation or a pair of opening “days” at the Santa Monica YMCA in youth basketball.

Once again, and for several seasons in a row now, the league has featured 30 teams, as many as can be had in any one season. Those teams will all practice once this week, then have another practice before a practice game controlled by the coaches from each team.

The Rookie and Major leagues, the youngest and oldest, will have 6 teams each, with the Bantam league carrying a full slate of ten teams and the Minors a goodly amount with 8.

Each league, save the Bantams will play every once before moving into tournament activity nearing the season’s end. The Bantams will play a full 9 game round robin schedule.  

The winner of all four divisions will be based on a point total earned during each game; 5 for a win, 3 for a tie, 1 for a loss, 0 for a forfeit and -1 for any unsportsmanlike technical fouls.  Some tournament games will be weighted more heavily in the standings.

At the conclusion of the season, there will be an all-star game for each player, a game vs parents and coaches and other elders and family members, and a season-ending blowout of a pizza party with awards for everyone.

In between, picture day will come along for each team, and perhaps a special event or two.

All in all, it promises to be a fun, entertaining and rewarding experience for all.





— There is an information table with hard copies of this newsletter THE HOOP each week, along with other important information.

— Be sure to turn in your emergency packets. All new players have been given these at evaluations and parent’s night, but there are new forms if you lost yours located in my office or on the information table on game days.

— Returning players who need to fill out new emergency packets (which last two years) will be given those as soon as possible.

— Please yell encouragement and whisper criticism.  Cheer for your team, and it’s actually okay to cheer for good plays by the other team, too!

— Leave the referees alone. Period.

— If you have any problems, please take them to your coach, and if you are not satisfied with your coaches reply, being the issue to me.


— When your game is over, please help clean up the area where you sat and also the area where your team sat to make it ready for the next game. If yours is the final game, please help clean the gym and put away chairs and benches at the director’s request.


— Rookie ball is a youth ball (27.5) and they play on an 8-foot basket. There is no defense allowed outside the three-point line. If a team leads by 15 they must drop back into the key defensively and this may happen earlier at the director’s discretion. Two timeouts per game, one each half.

— Bantam league ball is intermediate (28.5) with baskets at 9 feet.  Still no defense outside the three-point line. If a player hits a three point shot, that player may be guarded (one on one only) for the remainder of the game outside the line. Three timeout per game, no more than two in either half.

— Minor league plays defense out to half court, so if the lead goes to 15 they drop back to 3 point line, and if it grows to 20, they go into the key. Basket is at ten feet. Four timeouts per game, no more than two in either half.

— Major league is full court ball with a regulation size ball. When the lead goes to 15 the team ahead must not play defense past half court. Twenty is a drop back to the three point line, 25 into the key. Four timeouts per game, no more than three in a half.

In all divisions, teams may come back out to play regular defense when the score goes back under the total that put them in there in the first place.

In all divisions, we play four, eight minute running time quarters. At the four minute mark, providing the offensive team at that moment is not directly threatening to score inside the three point line, the horn is sounded and the teams take a 20 second timeout to clear the bench of all substitutes. Teams must clear the bench again after each quarter ends. If, during a four minute segment in which a player is on the bench and they are called into the game to substitute for an injured player or one who cannot play further, the player going in may not be among those coming back to the bench at the next regular sub break.

— In all divisions, any shooting foul shots will be shot at half time and after the game. These count towards the final score of the game. It will then be presumed that the team that was fouled made their shots and it is the other team’s ball out of bounds, thus saving valuable seconds from clicking off of the clock. We’ll shoot them later.

At the end of the game (half time in Major League games) players who have yet to score a single point will take part in a season long free throw shooting contest, shooting as many as six free throws (until they make one—or we give them the 6th one for free). These points do NOT count towards the final score unless they do not change the winner of the game. Then they do count.  

**If your child is injured, please resist the urge to rush onto the court to take care of them (unless it’s obvious that it is serious). Ninety-five percent of the time, if you give them 30-60 seconds, they are just fine, and continue in the game. Sometimes they have to go to the bench for a brief bit to recuperate. Let them work it out themselves as much as you can.  The refs will handle it first, then the coaches, then you and me.

— If you or a member of your viewing party are not members of the Santa Monica Y, please be friendly with our front desk staff and sign the guest book each visit. It’s at the end of the counter. Children accompanying you may NOT roam freely through the YMCA, they must remain in the gym with you, and not go anywhere else. Thanks.

— We communicate generally through email. Mine is, 310-393-2721 x 137

My assistant, Barry, will be on hand many days while I may not be. He can answer your questions, and if not, you should ask me via email or phone call if I’m not there.  

— Check this newsletter every single week for important information. Feel free to forward this email to anyone you’d like.

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