Community Voices: Santa Monica High School Principal Addresses Recent Student Death


The following letter is by Santa Monica High School principal Dr. Antonio Shelton to the Santa Monica High School community regarding the recent death of a ninth grade student at the school.

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Dear Santa Monica High School family and community,

It is with deep sadness that we are letting you know that Andre Zuczek, 15, a ninth grade Samohi student, has died after suffering major brain trauma among other injuries.

Andre’s mom wants the community to know what happened so that other parents may be spared from losing a child to drug use. To this end, the family (through a representative) shared the following message:

Andre and a few friends got together on Saturday and tried the drug, acid. Things went badly very quickly as Andre had what is thought to be a “bad trip,” and fell from a third floor apartment.

He was rushed to the hospital where doctors tried very hard to save him.

We encourage you to talk about Andre with your kids, friends, your family and whoever else provides you support. In sharing, please be aware that hearsay and gossip can be very hurtful and can add more sorrow to the grief we are all feeling at this time.

Funeral arrangements are not yet set.

Please join us in holding Andre’s family and friends in your heart at this difficult time.

Counseling is available at Samohi for any students needing support.


Dr. Antonio Shelton, Principal

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