Community Meetings Planned to Discuss Santa Monica-Malibu School District Separation


Via Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District press release.

Members of the Malibu Unification Negotiations Committee (MUNC) will present their report on financial aspects associated with a proposed reorganization of the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District into two separate school districts at two community meetings, one in Malibu and one in Santa Monica.

The Santa Monica meeting will be held in the District Office Boardroom at 1651 16th Street on Tuesday, March 21, and the Malibu meeting will be held at Malibu City Hall at 23825 Stuart Ranch Road on Monday, March 27. Both meetings are planned for 7 p.m.

The Board gave a number of charges to the MUNC when it was formed more than a year ago.

The key objective of concern to the Board of Education is to eliminate any significant adverse financial effects of a potential separation on the Santa Monica Unified School District. The MUNC has addressed the approach it has negotiated in their report and presentation. The public will have the opportunity to make comments following the presentation. Both presentations will be the same, so members of the public may attend either presentation regardless of community of residence.

It is very important for parents and community members of Santa Monica and Malibu to understand the financial implications of the proposed separation, or unification, to which it is legally referred. The School Board will be discussing the MUNC’s report in April.

Details regarding the Committee’s purpose and the Board’s objectives can be found online, along with the presentation.

The complete MUNC report, including appendices is also posted online.


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