While it may be missing much of the fanfare of previous years in Southern California, Park(ing) Day is still one of the happiest days on the Livable Streets Calendar. Across the world, people will gather in car parking spaces, feed the meter and turn publicly subsidized personal property storage into a public mini-park.
In Santa Monica, I’ll be manning a pair of parks. In the morning I’ll be with Jason Islas and Santa Monica Spoke at the Santa Monica Next/Spoke double park on the 800 block of Broadway. In the afternoon I’ll be with Southern California Streets Initiative board members Juan and Sirinya Matute at the Afternoon Tea Park on 26th Street.

But fear not, if you cannot find a park near you and aren’t up for a trip to the Westside, we will bring Park(ing) Day to you with a special one-hour Google Hangout/YouTube broadcast on SoCal StreetsTube talking about the state of Open Space in Los Angeles and Santa Monica.
At 11:30 we’ll be joined by the Chair of the Santa Monica Parks Commission, Phil Brock.
At noon, we’ll be joined by staff from Los Angeles City Councilmember Jose Huizar. Council schedule permitting, we may get to see the Councilmember himself.
You can watch live at http://youtube.com/socalstreetstube. After the broadcast is over, the show will be stored just like any other YouTube video.
For more on the Santa Monica Next/Streetsblog/SM Spoke Parking(Day) spaces, see below.
Santa Monica Spoke/Streetsblog/Santa Monica Next
A double park with bike parking and parklet and Santa Monica Next mobile office and Vote Local Station.
Where: Broadway, in front of Swingers
When: 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Afternoon Tea at Sirinya Matute’s Temporary Parklet
Join Sirinya for Friday Afternoon Tea at a parklet in near her new home on Friday. You are all invited to stop by to say hello and to introduce yourself. There will be iced tea and lemonade, healthy snacks, and sidewalk chalk.
Where: 26th Street between Santa Monica and Broadway in Santa Monica
When: 2:30 to 4:00 p.m.